5th Anniversary Armenian Oncology Congress
Agenda: Day 1 (February 1)
09:00 - 09:15
Narek Manukyan, Director of the National Center of Oncology named after V.A Fanarjyan, RA
Anahit Avanesyan, Minister of Health, RA
Opening Ceremony (Grand Hall)
09:15-09:30 - Welcome remarks by special guests of the Congress (Grand Hall)
21:00 Live concert
Break Time
Mammography Practical Training Hologic Practical Course Excellence in Breast Imaging
Start: 09:00Nurse Section (Cinema Hall)
Start: 15:45Oncoorthopedy (Press Hall)
Start: 12:30Palliative therapy and psychosocial work in oncology(Press Hall)
Start: 15:45Radiology and oncology (Silver Hall)
Start: 12:30Radiotherapy and Oncorehabilitation (Silver Hall)
Start: 15:45Thoracic oncosurgery (Grand Hall)
Start: 12:30Lung cancer (Grand Hall)
Start: 15:45Breast cancer part 1(Gold hall)
Start: 15:45Clinical oncology (Gold hall)
Start: 12:30General session Grand Hall
Start: 09:30Liver and parathyroid oncology (Cinema Hall)
Start: 12:30