5th Anniversary Armenian Oncology Congress
Agenda: Day 2 (February 2)
21:00 DJ
Break Time
Breast Cancer Part 2 (Gold Hall)
Start: 09:00Clinical Oncology (Silver Hall)
Start: 09:00Head and neck oncosurgery Part 1 (Press Hall)
Start: 09:00Colorectal cancer (Grand Hall)
Start: 14:45Neuro-oncology (Gold Hall)
Start: 11:30Oncourology (Silver Hall)
Start: 11:30Head and Neck oncosurgery - Part 2
Start: 11:30Mammography Practical Training Hologic Practical Course Excellence in Breast Imaging (Cinema Hall)
Start: 09:00Upper GI oncosurgery (Grand Hall)
Start: 11:30Oncogynecology (Gold Hall)
Start: 14:45Head and neck oncosurgery part 3 (Press Hall)
Start: 14:45General Part - 2 (Grand Hall)
Start: 17:15Interventional and Endoscopic Surgery of the Liver and Bile Ducts (Grand Hall)
Start: 09:00